Opt into the Snowplow Flag Program

Opt into the snowplow flag program and crews will clear your property’s driveway following a snowfall. Snowplow flags are available for purchase during regular business hours at the MD office in Slave Lake and Flatbush. Each snowplow flag covers one instance of snow clearance. It's important to note that along with your purchase, you are required to submit an agreement. Please keep in mind that municipal roads always take priority.

Submit your signed agreement

To purchase snowplow flags and participate in the program, you must fill out a Private Driveway Snowplowing Agreement. This document serves as confirmation that you understand and consent to the program's terms. For more information, visit the Snowplow Flags Program section of the website.

Plant your flag to request a clearing

When you need snow cleared from your property, simply place a purchased flag at the end of your driveway to signal your request for the service. Under regular circumstances, this service is typically completed within 3 to 4 days after a snowfall.